So when I wrote this blog I came back and changed the title and I even had to research it a little. Was it equal or equally? What I found was this, Equal means the end product of the creation is the same. Equally refers to the process, not the result. I think we all know that there can actually be a difference in what people want to achieve and how they want longevity in their shelf life and so I believe this statement to be the truth...NOT ALL ORGANIC AND NATURAL PRODUCTS ARE CREATED EQUALLY! The fact is, we are living in an age where people are more aware that for years as we were growing up we lived a polluted, processed, toxic world. We know this and we are working on changing it! We saw the rise of cancer, infertility and other illness that some were so rare and are becoming more frequently found and we started to say how strange it was. Now we are finding out more through research and it's coming back to the same thing. So many people are choosing to live a cleaner life and that means many different things on many different levels. Some choose to simplify and live as minimalist and there are those who are strict with what they eat and those who only use organic or natural ingredients on their skin. Naturally, we are all different and we all have different needs however, I do see one thing in common, that people are becoming more conscious and aware of toxins. Whether it be too much in our living space and we need to cleanse that space, eating what we feel is the best for us. Some choosing keto diets or paleo , whatever makes you feel good. When you do this it makes you feel different and the world around you changes. Now people are finally coming to realize that there's more...and it comes to our skin and skincare, there are so many mixed emotions in people when it comes to all three of these things and let me tell you why...discipline is hard and sticking to something isn't always easy. I am the first to say we are allowed a CHEAT now and then. Some come home and have a glass of wine (I do not drink, so I enjoy ice cream). Yes, we are allowed to reward or give ourselves something sometimes and it should feel guilt free. Example to my minimalist friends, buy the cute throw rug you don't need just because it's cute and it may make you feel warmth in your home. My health eating maniac friends, go crazy and have some cake. Then the skincare gurus that want all healthy organic ingredients, lovely but if you want to get botox once in awhile go for it! The goal is to live a healthier lifestyle in general and live happily! Those thing make us feel good, the space around us, the food we eat and what we put on our skin. I think people are finally more aware that the skin is an organ and you are essentially ingesting what you put on you. It is going into the bloodstream and into your body. Toxins go in and are stored there. When you are at the store look at the labels of the ingredients on not only what you are eating but what you are putting on your skin and your children. If it costs more, it's not aways going to be the most natural or organic labels. All companies are not in it completely for your best interest but they are trying in their corporate ways. There are companies though that choose to make things with integrity and their heart and their own families in mind. I know personally I had to make Nosh Body a certain way. It had to be made with highest standards of organic ingredients, natural ingredients and eco friendly I could find. It takes more effort for those making true organic lines but it's worth every ounce or research we do and I know personally I look for the most luxurious ingredients for Nosh Body. I don't want to skimp on the most important things. I use these products on my children and some people say that kids don't know the difference, but you do! Why would you go out and spend money on things that don't matter when you and your family are the most important things and precious gifts on this earth. You'd do anything for them but yet if you aren't ready to give them pure natural, non toxic , paraben free, eco friendly, non animal tested things that we know are not cancer causing poison you have to try, you owe it to them. My own son who is 3 knows when I wash his hair it's okay because it is not going to sting his eyes. He still wiggles around and splashes me and plays games because that's what they do at that age but he's not getting irritated eyes. Most products sting and some of the organic ones do as well but to me that's for another blog on another day. I know you're all smart enough to know when you are reading and looking at words that not all organic is created equally but research as a parent to find the best for you and your family. Find what works and make what makes you happy, because things like bathing, using lotions and balms, spritzes and scrubs are suppose to bring enjoyment and uplift you not weigh you down. So trash the toxic wash and all the other things and live lighter. You"ll feel better about yourself and your family will thank you. With wishes of happiness and health always in my heart, from my family to yours, thank you! Shalene
AuthorMom of two young children in the OC, rewriting how we view skincare for ourselves and our children. Archives
June 2021
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